Why is Omega 3 so important for us?

Omega 3 keeps our cells healthy and fights inflammation. A healthy cell needs to be flexible and permeable to let nutrients in and toxins out. An ideal ratio is 1:1 (1 Omega-3 on 1 Omega-6). However, with a western diet high in Omega 6 the ratio gets more and more unbalanced. Omega 3 reduces inflammation and Omega-6 triggers inflammation. And if Omega-6 is dominating in your body, your cells get more stiff and impermeable and toxins stay in the cells and less nutrients get in. On top chronic inflammations can arise in the body.

230 mg EPA and DHA are important for a normal heart, brain and immune system function. Pregnant women have an even higher need.

Omega-3 rich diet

Integrate good oils like canola, sesame, flaxseed and olive oil in your daily diet and eat nuts and seeds, such as flaxseed, chia seeds, and walnuts and fish such as sardines and mackerel. Leave away refined oils and reduce animal products as they are source of omega-6.

What quality do you need to look at OMega-3 supplements?

The totox level stands for the oxidation of the oil. The Totox level should be below 9. If the oil is oxidated it can cause inflammation in the body and do more harm than good.

Test your Omega 3 Level

Before you wildly supplement I always suggest to test your level to know the right dosage for your body’s needs. Eqology offers a high quality Omega 3 oil and an easy way to test your Omega 3 with a simple self test which you send to an independent laboratory.