SOFT DETOX 30 day challenge - recorded version

SOFT DETOX 30 day challenge - recorded version


Introducing the 30-Day Soft Detox Challenge

Are you tired of feeling bloated, sluggish, and constantly irritable? Do you catch glimpses of yourself in the mirror and wonder where your energy and vibrancy went? Are you putting everyone else's needs before your own, neglecting your self-care in the process?

It's time for a change. Welcome to the 30-Day Soft Detox Challenge, where we'll guide you on a transformative journey from feeling heavy and disconnected to embracing a lighter, more radiant, and intuitive version of yourself.

What is the 30-Day Soft Detox Challenge?

Our challenge is not about extreme measures or deprivation. Instead, it's a gentle yet powerful process designed to help you reset your body, mind, and spirit. Through a carefully crafted program, I'll support you in:

  • Eliminating Toxins: Say goodbye to the substances that are weighing you down, whether it's processed foods, excessive caffeine, or negative thoughts.

  • Nourishing Your Body: Fuel yourself with wholesome, nutrient-rich foods that replenish your energy and vitality.

  • Reconnecting with Yourself: Rediscover the joy of self-care as you prioritize your well-being and learn to listen to your body's intuitive wisdom.

What Sets it Apart?

Unlike traditional detox programs that leave you feeling depleted and drained, our soft detox approach focuses on sustainable lifestyle changes. True transformation happens gradually, with gentle guidance and consistent support.

Join us!

Are you ready to reclaim your health and happiness? Sign up for the 30-Day Soft Detox Challenge and embark on a journey of self-discovery and renewal. Say hello to a lighter, more radiant you!

Still have questions? Email for more information.

Start the challenge

Are you feeling overwhelmed, lost, and stuck in a cycle of exhaustion? I've been there. In fact, I stood at that very same crossroads when my son entered the world. But over the past seven years, I've taken control of my health journey and transformed myself from the inside out.

I conquered endometriosis, IBS, PCOS, urticaria, and hyperthyroidism naturally. Armed with my certification from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition as a holistic gut health and nutrition coach, I've made it my mission to empower other women to reclaim their well-being and find the balance and serenity they crave.

What's Inside the Guided Detox Roadmap?

Week 1+2: Dive into gut healing and anti-inflammatory nutrition to lay the foundation for your transformation.

Week 3: Shift gears with liver cleansing and nurturing self-care routines that will leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Week 4: Experience a deeper dive into liver detoxification alongside a gentle juice fasting protocol to cleanse your body from the inside out.

Join the Challenge Today!

When you join the HEAL & GLOW Soft Detox Challenge, you're not just signing up for a program – you're gaining access to a supportive community and a comprehensive workbook packed with everything you need to succeed. From the complete roadmap and shopping list to recommended supplements, mouthwatering recipes, and insider tips, we've got you covered every step of the way.

A new way of life

Discover simple ways to nourish your body with wholesome, plant-based foods and boost your energy levels, detoxify your liver and gut, activate your vagus nerve, and banish bloating for good.

This challenge is tailor-made for busy moms and women who refuse to sacrifice joy and nourishment for complicated detox programs. Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to a journey that's joyful, nourishing, and fun.

Ready to embark on your transformational journey? Join the HEAL & GLOW Soft Detox Challenge today and take the first step toward a healthier, happier you!


I feel I’m on the track and headed towards my own personal alignment with my mind, body and soul. What surprised me was the small challenges I made to my lifestyle and how great of an impact it’s had in my every day living.
I’ve also noticed good changes with my bathroom habits since starting.

I think gluten is a huge trigger for my body. I can REALLY tell the difference - for example last weekend we were away and I had a piece of regular bread and I felt terrible. So I will definitely be keeping up with that.

Overall I feel much cleaner inside. And I have more energy to do my stationary bike each evening!
— Laura
Your coaching is not only about food but also supporting me with my stress level and lifestyle, as everything is connected. Very happy that I have chosen to invest in that coaching!
It has opened up new doors for me and a new awareness of healthy eating. You showed me that it does not have to be complicated.
I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about how we can take control of our bodies and mind by thinking carefully about what we eat. I think the course was incredible value, so many resources, presentation, videos and recipes, It has already changed the way I think about food.
I found your materials, beautifully presented and easy to navigate, I thought the app, the support and the balanced tribe collection of information was excellent.
I thought your advice was simple and really down to earth. I feel so much better and so much more conscious of what I’m eating. In the past I’ve really craved the items I’ve banished but with this course I’ve felt differently and therefore I have felt a natural aversion to the foods that might make me feel bloated or not great. Another positive is that my family have also embraced the recipes I’ve tried, have been supportive and interested in what I’ve learnt, we’re all feeling a difference.

Your passion and genuine love and discovery about eating healthier really shone through and was infectious it’s encouraged me to want to find out more.
— Melanie


Will it be complicated and can I combine it with my daily life and work?
Yes, the guided detox is designed to be soft and simple and easy to integrate in your daily life.

What will be the results?
After the 4 weeks you’ll feel lighter, leaner, with much more energy and a nicer skin. You might have even lost some weight. And more important you learned how to integrate and keep some of these routines in your daily life to stay in balance.

I have a full time job and kids. I am not sure if I can still join
I created this challenge on purpose for busy mums and women who have no time for complicated and radical detoxing programs and want a joyful, nourishing, fun approach.

Do I have to follow a strict diet?
I will provide you with anti-inflammatory simple recipes to heal and detox your body from within. I will inspire you with a clean, tasty, playful and nourishing way of eating. You’ll love it.

Can I follow this challenge when I am breastfeeding or following IVF?
Yes, you’ll deeply nourish yourself and bringing your body back to balance. That’s an ideal base.

Will there be a fasting time?
Yes at the end of the program there will be 4 days green juice and soup fasting. But all very soft and kind to your body.

The program includes:

  • Weekly roadmap

  • 4 video sessions, each about 60 minutes (recorded from the live Soft detox Nov 2023)

  • Exchange in the tribe where you can ask me questions, share experiences and connect between each other

  • Extensive recipe e-book with all recipes from the challenge

  • 4 Workbooks (1 for each week)

About me

I am a certified IIN integrated nutrition and gut health coach with an additional human design & food background.

I already helped more than 150 women to find sustainable health and balance again.

The most common challenges:

  • Lack of energy

  • Chronic bloating

  • Feeling moody and low

  • Headaches

  • Constipation

  • Skin issues

  • PMS

  • Difficulty to lose weight

  • Low immunity

My tools:

Gut healing, natural liver detox, ayurveda, anti-inflammatory nutrition, human design and herbal medicine

My mission:

Guiding women to a new, loving relationship with themselves and help them create an intuitive connection with food as medicine and joy.